When entering an Airport Concessions Lease, consider the advantages of developing strategic marketing alliances with airlines and airport shops, kiosks, restaurants and other service providers. These alliances can create win-win relationships for your business, without the high cost of advertising. For example, with a well-drafted Strategic Marketing Alliance Agreement, you can leverage the rewards programs of other businesses, by providing discounts for reward memberships of other businesses,
For example, with a Strategic Marketing Alliance Agreement, you could propose to offer Airline Rewards Members a discount on your products and services in exchange for allowing the Airline to advertise your discount as a benefit for their Rewards Program Members or even for non-reward flyers. The flyer could simply show their ticket at the point-of-sale and receive the discount. The advertisement could be presented as part of the in-flight videos, etc. Similar agreements can be entered into with stores, restaurants, etc.
Obtain Professional Legal Advice.
A caveat here is the possibility of exposure to liability for the products and services of another business. Thus, to reduce this risk and provide your business with essential safeguards, it is important to obtain professional legal advice from an experienced business lawyer, before entering into any such arrangement or agreement.
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