Checklists for Businesses and Executives
Checklists are great "easy to use" tools that will help get you started in spotting the general issues, concerning your endeavor.
Executives in transition, click here: Executive in transition, new job.
Existing Business and Business Startup Information:
Trademark Registration Info from Trademark Attorney:
Multi-Party Projects:
Joint Venture Agreement Checklist
Collaboration Agreement Checklist
Buying, Selling, Distributing Goods or Services:
Distributorship Agreement Checklist
Disclosing Trade Secrets:
Confidentiality Agreement Checklist - Non Disclosure Agreement Checklist (NDA checklist)
Hiring Employees or Independent Contractors:
Executive Contract (Executive Employment Agreement; Executive Compensation Agreement)
Buying a Business:
Business Acquisition Checklist
Authors, Illustrators, Ghostwriters, Publishing Businesses:
Publishing Agreement Checklist
Other Business Law Information:
When you are ready to discuss your new business endeavor and related legal issues, contact Michelle L. Grenier, Esq.?
Do not rely solely upon this checklist.
Consult a competent experienced Trademark Lawyer to discuss your specific situation. Click here to schedule a consultation with Michelle L. Grenier, Esq., Trademark Lawyer.
Copyright (c) 2011-2012 Michelle L. Grenier, Esq. All rights reserved.
Tags: trademark registration, intellectual property rights, trademark, trademark lawyer, trademark law, trademarks, intellectual property, trademark attorney, Intellectual Property agreement, license trademark, license intellectual property