More About Trade Secrets and Why Businesses Don't Patent

Attorney Michelle DelMar

Focusing on Business, the Whole Business and

Nothing but the Business.

Trademark Attorney, Contract Attorney, Corporation Attorney

Michelle DelMar, Esq., Trademark Attorney, Contract Attorney, Corporation Attorney

Michelle DelMar, Esq.
Small Business Lawyer, Trademark Attorney and Executive Contract Lawyer.
Client Review Rating: “Preeminent” (5 out of 5)
 Peer Review Rating:  4.7 out of 5
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Michelle DelMar, Esq.

Business Lawyer, Trademark Lawyer and Executive Contract Lawyer

This article supplements "What are Trademarks, Copyrights, Trade Secrets?"

Some Trade Secrets are eligible for Patent Registration; however, many businesses opt not to apply for patents, because once it is published as a patent, it no longer has the protection of the Trade Secret laws.  

Maintaining a Trade Secret, with the protection of Trade Secret Laws is an alternative to Patent Registration protection; However, this means of protection has it's own risks.  Here are a few ways that a Trade Secret can be maintained:

Related Information and Checklists:

When Do I need a Confidentiality Agreements

Confidentiality Agreement Checklist

Non-Compete Agreement Checklist


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